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Gamma-Lipotropic Hormone (gLPH)

G-LPH; γ-Lipotropin

γ-lipotropin is the amino-terminal peptide fragment of β-lipotropin. In humans, it has 56 amino acids.

Lipotropic compounds are those which help catalyse the break down of fat during metabolism in the body.Choline is the major lipotrope in mammals and other known lipotropes are important only insofar as they contribute to the synthesis of choline (Barak, 1973) A lipotropic nutrient is one that promotes or encourages the export of fat from the liver. Lipotropics are necessary for the maintenance of a healthy liver as well as burning the exported fat for additional energy. Without lipotropics such as choline and inositol, fats and bile can become trapped in the liver, causing severe problems such as cirrhosis and blocking fat metabolism. Choline is essential for fat metabolism. Choline functions as a methyl donor and it is required for proper liver function.