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Angiotensin 1-7 (Ang1-7)

Angiotensin(1-7) (Ang1-7) acting at the level of the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) affects arterial pressure. Astroglia are a plausible cellular target of Ang1-7 in RVLM. Astrocytic responsiveness to Ang1-7 is reduced in SHR. Ang1-7 modulates astrocytic signalling which in vivo may affect local metabolism and microcirculation, resulting in changes in activity of RVLM pre-sympathetic neurones and hence blood pressure.

Ang1-7 is an important component of the central renin-angiotensin system and affects haemodynamics when injected into the RVLM. Effect of Ang1-7 could be blocked by co-application of its antagonist, A779 (200 nM) but not losartan (1 µM). non-CA neurones and glia in RVLM are the primary targets for Ang1-7 and its effect on [Ca2+]i in non-CA neurones is enhanced in SHR.